Bedtime Prayer for Loved Ones

Thank You Father for the many friends, family, and loved ones that by Your grace You have placed in my life, and I lift them up to You tonight, praying that You would protect and care for each one during these hours of darkness.

We thank You that the angel of Your presence encamps around those that fear You and that our lives are hidden with Christ in God so that nothing can pluck us out of Your hand – and no darkness, danger, or perils of the night can come near us or harm us, for You are our Fortress and our Shield – our Stronghold and our Protector.

Thank You for the many precious promises that we can pray for our loved ones and tonight I thank You that those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Be with all those I love tonight and give each one the beloved sleep that You have promised to all Your children – this I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.