Memorare to St. Joseph

Remember, O Most Chaste Spouse of the Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto you, my spiritual father, and beg your protection. O Foster Father of the Redeemer, despise not my… Continue reading Memorare to St. Joseph

Prayer to Holy Angels

Bless the Lord, all you His Angels, you who are Mighty in strength and do His will. Intercede for me at the throne of God, and by your unceasing watchfulness protect me in every danger of soul and body. Bless the Lord, all you His Angels, you who are mighty in strength and do His… Continue reading Prayer to Holy Angels

Prayer to Our Guardian Angel

O holy Guardian Angel, my dear friend, and solicitous guide on the dangerous way of life, to thee be heartfelt thanks for the numberless benefits which have been granted me through thy love and goodness and for the powerful help by which thou hast preserved me from so many dangers and temptations. I beg of… Continue reading Prayer to Our Guardian Angel