O God, I thank you for my dearest parents who have loved me and cared for me. Be with them and surround them with Your presence. Open their hearts to trust your constant care. Help me to show how much I appreciate them. Forgive me for the times I have made them sad. Bless them… Continue reading Prayer for Parents
Prayer Category: Children and Teens
For My Mother
Dear Blessed Mother Mary, help my mom to be a good mother. Give her peace and wisdom, strength and courage, grace and happiness. Be nearby when she needs help. Keep her close to your Son, Jesus. Help me to always show my mom how much I love her. Amen.
For My Father
Dear Saint Joseph, help my dad to be a good father. Help him when he is tired, when he is worried, when he is in a hurry. Give him pride in his work and a little more time to have fun. Help me to show my dad how much I love him. Amen.
Altar Server’s Prayer
Heavenly Father, please be with me today as I serve at Mass. Thank You for giving me the great opportunity to serve You this day. Help me remember that as I serve the priest, I am also serving You. Please help me today so I will not do wrong, in church and later at home.… Continue reading Altar Server’s Prayer
Chastity Prayer (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Lord Jesus, I know that every perfect gift, and especially that of chastity, depends on the power of Your providence. Without You, a mere creature can do nothing. Therefore, I beg You to defend by Your grace the chastity and purity of my body and soul. And if I have ever sensed or imagined anything… Continue reading Chastity Prayer (St. Thomas Aquinas)