Prayer for a Sick Unborn Baby

O Lord of all, You alone intimately know the little one I carry. You are the creator, the author of all life, Your touch can transform, heal and restore. Please touch this little life now that we carry and bring wholeness and life to him/her. Just one touch from Your mighty hand of healing is… Continue reading Prayer for a Sick Unborn Baby

Prayer for Deceased Relatives and Friends

Almighty Father, source of forgiveness and salvation, grant that our relatives and friends who have passed from this life may, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the saints, come to share Your eternal happiness through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Family

Lord, bless our family, all of us now together, those far away, all who are gone back to You. May we know joy. May we bear our sorrows in patience. Let love guide our understanding of each other. Let us be grateful to each other. We have all made each other what we are. O… Continue reading Prayer for Family

A Wife’s Prayer

O merciful Lord God, who in the beginning didst take Eve out of the side of Adam and didst give her to him as a helpmate: grant me the grace to live worthy of the honorable estate of matrimony to which Thou hast called me, that I may love my husband with a pure and… Continue reading A Wife’s Prayer

A Husband’s Prayer

O gracious Father, Maker, and Preserver of heaven and earth, who in the beginning didst institute matrimony, thereby foreshadowing the mystical union of the Church with our Savior Christ, who, during His ministry upon earth, did honor marriage with His first miracle: help me, I pray Thee, by Thy grace to live in holiness and… Continue reading A Husband’s Prayer