Sanctify Me, Holy Spirit!

O Holy Spirit, we praise and worship You. O Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we praise You for Your boundless goodness and grace. Lord, sanctify our hearts from the malice of sin. Protect us from Satan and all evil spirits. Create in us a new heart, filled with holiness and purity. O Holy Spirit… Continue reading Sanctify Me, Holy Spirit!

Prayer for Our Benefactors

Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, we invoke you and implore you as our heavenly mother, intercessor, and patron of Shalom World. In this world where there is a lack of peace, let Shalom World be an instrument and a channel of the peace of Christ! Mother Mary, into your immaculate heart, we place all those… Continue reading Prayer for Our Benefactors

Prayer for the SPF Family

Lord, we thank You for Your great love for Shalom ministry. We praise You for all the Shalom Peace Fellowship members who generously share their time, effort, and prayers. Lord, we thank You for opening doors for us to reach out to millions across the globe with the message of hope and peace. We believe… Continue reading Prayer for the SPF Family