To Find the Right Partner

Heavenly Father, You know that the deepest desire of my heart is to meet the one with whom I can share my life. I trust in Your loving plan for me and ask that I might soon meet the person that You have prepared for me. Through the power of Your Holy Spirit, open my… Continue reading To Find the Right Partner

Prayer on a Birthday

Lord, each birthday is a joyful reminder of Your gift of life to us. We join_____ in celebrating this happy day and thanking You for the gift of life and the many blessings bestowed on him/her. Continue to bless and enfold _____ in Your love. Grant O Lord, that we may experience strength in adversity,… Continue reading Prayer on a Birthday

Prayer for Young People

Our Father, You are so wonderful and I worship You. You are the source of a river of love and grace that transforms the world. I offer You myself and my friends; our Young hearts, minds, and bodies. Help us to grow in the goodness of Your kingdom. May we shine out in times of… Continue reading Prayer for Young People

Prayer for Employment

Jesus, You know what I need even before I ask. I trust that You will guide me in finding the work I enjoy and to take the next step in my career. Open the doors to new opportunities, and equip me with the skills, knowledge, and wisdom. As I craft my resume, cover letters, submit… Continue reading Prayer for Employment

Prayer for a Driving Test

Abba Father, I pray to You for help and blessing as I prepare to be tested for fitness to drive. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Help me to know thoroughly the rules of the road so that no one will ever suffer from my negligence or incompetence. May I be ready for the test… Continue reading Prayer for a Driving Test