O Jesus, Eternal Priest, look down with love upon Thy priests. Fill them with burning zeal for the conversion of sinners. Keep them within the shelter of Thy Sacred Heart. Keep unstained their anointed hands. which daily touch Thy Sacred Body. Keep unsullied their lips purpled with Thy precious Blood. Keep pure and unearthly their… Continue reading A Prayer for Priests by St. Therese of Lisieux
Archives: Prayers
A Prayer for One’s Calling
Jesus, Divine Caller of vocations, You invite some to chosen professions, Others to distinctive spiritual work! Your call may reflect one’s ambitions, Or may be a command to a special calling. Inspire me to always know within my heart, What particular type of work is fitting To do Your will at that particular time. Your… Continue reading A Prayer for One’s Calling
A Prayer for Deacons and Other Ministers
Heavenly Father, since the time of the Apostles, You have inspired the Church to commission certain members to assist in a special way in the pastoral mission of Christ. Bless the deacons and all other ordained and non-ordained ministers that they may be humble and faith-inspired in their service. We ask this through Christ, our… Continue reading A Prayer for Deacons and Other Ministers
Prayer for Vocations
God our Father, You made each of us to use our gifts in the Body of Christ. We ask that You inspire young people whom You call to the priesthood and consecrated life to courageously follow Your will. Send workers into Your great harvest so that the Gospel is preached, the poor are served with… Continue reading Prayer for Vocations
Prayer for Priests
Keep them, I pray Thee, dearest Lord, keep them, for they are Thine. Thy priests whose lives burn out before Thy consecrated shrine. Keep them for they are in the world, though from the world apart, when earthly pleasures tempt, allure shelter them in Thy heart. Keep them, comfort them in hours of loneliness and… Continue reading Prayer for Priests
Prayer for the Conversion of a Relative/Friend
Mary, Queen of Angels and of men, behold me an unworthy servant and listen to my prayer on behalf of _____ who remains separated from the Church established by thy Divine Son. My Mother, dispensatrix of grace, strip from _____ the bands of prejudice and ignorance that hold him captive and let the true light… Continue reading Prayer for the Conversion of a Relative/Friend
Prayers for Those That Are in Need
Dear God, I know that it is Your will to help those that are afflicted, to support the weak, to provide for the widows and orphans, and to help those that are in need. Use my hands to be of service to those in need, and use my voice to speak words of healing and… Continue reading Prayers for Those That Are in Need
Healing for a Friend in Pain
Heavenly Father, please look down with compassion on my friend who has been confined to a bed of sickness and is in such great physical pain. Send comfort and healing I pray, and in Your gracious kindness, please strengthen and heal whatever the problem is that has caused this illness in their body. In Jesus… Continue reading Healing for a Friend in Pain
Prayer of Protection for Those With Dementia
Heavenly Father, look down in pity and mercy on all that are suffering with the illness of dementia. Father, we know that although our loved ones may not recognize the family and friends who love them dearly, Your Holy Spirit can commune with their human spirit in a unique and Godly way, which must be… Continue reading Prayer of Protection for Those With Dementia
Prayer for the Sick
Almighty and Everlasting God, the eternal salvation of those who believe in You, hear us on behalf of Your servants who are sick, for whom we humbly beg the help of Your mercy, so that, being restored to health, they may render thanks to You in Your Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.