O my God! I offer You all my prayers, works and sufferings of this day, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the following intentions:
Sunday: To obtain a true spirit of zeal, religion, and piety. For the success of priests’ work, and the spiritual welfare of those entrusted to their care.
Monday: Spirit of meekness and humility. Souls in purgatory, and religious communities.
Tuesday: Spirit of faith. Relatives, friends, and benefactors.
Wednesday: Spirit of charity. The sick, dying, suffering, poor, and those who care for them.
Thursday: Love of the Holy Eucharist. Vocations to the Priesthood; conversion of unbelievers; needs of missionaries.
Friday: Spirit of mortification and self-sacrifice. Conversion of sinners.
Saturday: Love of chastity and of the Blessed Virgin. Schools and teachers; children and youth.
(Add your own private intentions to those suggested above)