Prayer to St. Joseph

St. Joseph, Guardian of the Church, protect the Pope, the bishops and all the priests. Keep them united and obedient to the one, true faith.

Protector of our families, obtain for us peace and the grace to love each other. Help us in all our needs. Bless our children that they may excel in their studies.

St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, do not let evil spirits to enter our families. Through your powerful prayers, save the souls of our dear and near ones.

O Protector of Virgins, widows, and orphans, intervene in their spiritual and material needs. Patron of the dying, pray for all those who are going to die today. Obtain for us the grace of a happy death.

O Helper of the souls in purgatory, comfort them in their sufferings and through your powerful intercession help them to enter God’s presence.

St. Joseph, our father, our guide, our protector and our helper, strengthen us in our battle against evil and help us reach our eternal home. Amen.