Chaplet of the Precious Blood

(This devotion consists of seven mysteries in which we meditate on the seven principal sheddings of the Most precious Blood of Jesus.)

The Our Father without the Hail Mary is said five times after each mystery except the last, when it is said three times, thirty-three times total, in honor of the thirty-three years of Our Lord’s life on earth.

1st mystery: Jesus shed his blood in the circumcision – Let us ask for chastity in body and soul.

2nd mystery: Jesus shed his blood in the agony while praying in the Garden of Olives. – Let us ask for the spirit of prayer.

3rd mystery: Jesus shed his blood in the scourging at the pillar. – Let us ask for patience and self-control.

4th mystery: Jesus shed his blood in the crowning with thorns. – Let us ask for humility to atone from pride.

5th mystery: Jesus shed his blood while carrying His cross to Calvary. – Let us ask for acceptance of our daily crosses.

6th mystery: Jesus shed his blood in the terrible crucifixion. – Let us ask for contrition.

7th mystery: Jesus shed blood and water from His side pierced by the lance. – Let us ask for perseverance.