Bedtime Prayer for Protection

Father, as we come to the end of another very busy day, we praise and thank You for the gift of sleep and the wonderful way that the night-time hours seem to sweep away all our cares and melt away all our worries, as we rest in You. Thank You, that we may confidently cast all our cares and concerns upon You and lay all of our burdens down at Your feet, knowing that You love us with a perfect love and care for us with Fatherly concern.

Keep us safe this night from any perils and dangers, and lighten the darkness of these night with Your perfect peace, You gracious tranquility, and Your serene grace.

Protect us we pray, through the hours of darkness, knowing that there are many dangers and much wickedness that may stalk outside our home, but thank You that You are our shield and protection, our rock of salvation, our hope and strength. Purify our minds, comfort our hearts, soothe our souls and give us all a good night’s sleep, we pray, for we are Yours, and You have promised that You would give Your beloved children refreshing sleep and rejuvenating rest in the night-time hours.

May the angel of Your presence, who is the Lord Jesus Himself, encamp around us tonight and protect us under the shadow of His wings.

And so, Father, into Your hands we commend our spirit and pray that You would wake us up in the morning, refreshed and ready to do Your will. This we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.