Prayer for Shalom World

Lord Jesus, we praise You for Shalom World, the wonderful channel of evangelization that You have entrusted to us. Within a short span of time, it has reached hundreds of countries and millions of families. We thank You for Your great love for this ministry. We pray that all the doors be opened so that this tool of evangelization be available in all languages and all countries. We believe and proclaim that nothing is impossible for You. Lord, anoint all the programs broadcast through Shalom World. We pray that the hearts of the viewers of this channel be filled with Your love. Let the sick be healed, the broken be comforted, and the possessed be delivered. And above all, let everyone find hope in You. Bless the youth who watch the programs and transform them so that they may be the bearers of Christ’s love. Let the whole world proclaim that Jesus is the Lord and Savior, and may all experience the profound love of God in their lives. We pray that Shalom World be always committed to preaching the Word of God and remain faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church. May this channel be Her voice in these troubled times. When the secular forces attack Her from all sides, help this channel to guard Her. When darkness troubles human lives, let this channel be a candle to spread light all around. Father, we pray for all those who work in this ministry, and all the Shalom Peace Fellowship members who support this ministry through prayer and financial contributions. Bless them and their family members, that they always experience true peace. O loving Mother, Blessed Virgin Mary, the Heavenly intercessor of Shalom Media, and all the saints and martyrs of the Holy Church, pray for Shalom World. Amen.