Pray for Pope’s Intentions January 2023

Lord, grant all educators the wisdom to be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than competition. May they help the most vulnerable and educate young people to appreciate and love each person regardless of differences. Amen.

Pray for Pope’s Intentions December 2022

Lord, we thank you for the selfless service provided by volunteer non-profit organizations committed to human development. May they find people dedicated to the common good and ceaselessly seek out new paths to international cooperation. Amen.

Pray for Pope’s Intentions November 2022

Lord, we pray for children who are suffering, especially those who are homeless, orphans, and victims of war. Enable us to provide them with access to education and the opportunity to experience family affection. Inspire and lead us to take the necessary steps to ensure their well-being. Amen.

Pray for Pope’s Intentions October 2022

Let’s pray that the Church, ever faithful to the Gospel and courageous in preaching it, may live in an increasing atmosphere of synodality. May we grow to be a community of solidarity, fraternity, and welcome. Grant us Your children the grace to walk together, praying and listening to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pray for Pope’s Intentions August 2022

Lord, we pray for small and medium-sized businesses; grant them the courage, strength, and tenacity to become more resilient than ever in the midst of economic and social crises. Bless their beautiful dreams and illumine them to reshape their mission in a gesture of sincere gratitude to You. Amen.

Pray for Pope’s Intentions July 2022

Lord, we pray that the wisdom and experience of the elderly may nourish our lives and help the young people face their future with hope and optimism. Amen.

Pray with the Holy Father May

Lord Jesus, enable our youngsters to learn from Your beloved Mother, to deeply discern and discover Your Holy Will. Grant them the ability to listen to Your voice and dedicate themselves to serving You and the people around them. May the light of faith grow brighter in their hearts so that their lives, filled with… Continue reading Pray with the Holy Father May

Pray with the Holy Father April

Lord, we pray for all healthcare workers, volunteers, support staff, priests, and religious who serve the sick and the elderly, especially in the poorest and most vulnerable countries. May governments and local communities recognize the great value of their work, appreciate them and support them in every way. We thank You for the healthcare workers… Continue reading Pray with the Holy Father April