Protection Prayer

Lord God Almighty, grant us Your grace by the merits of the passion, death, and resurrection of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Protect me, my family, Shalom ministry, and all the surrounding I live in, by the Precious Blood of Jesus. I cast out and bind all… Continue reading Protection Prayer

Binding Prayer

O Lord Jesus, I belong to You. I trust in You. You are my God and my Savior. You are my refuge and my fortress. Let Your holy blood be sprinkled upon me and upon all that I have. In the Name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of His precious blood, I derive… Continue reading Binding Prayer

Sanctify Me, Holy Spirit!

O Holy Spirit, we praise and worship You. O Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we praise You for Your boundless goodness and grace. Lord, sanctify our hearts from the malice of sin. Protect us from Satan and all evil spirits. Create in us a new heart, filled with holiness and purity. O Holy Spirit… Continue reading Sanctify Me, Holy Spirit!

Prayer for Our Benefactors

Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, we invoke you and implore you as our heavenly mother, intercessor, and patron of Shalom World. In this world where there is a lack of peace, let Shalom World be an instrument and a channel of the peace of Christ! Mother Mary, into your immaculate heart, we place all those… Continue reading Prayer for Our Benefactors

Prayer for the SPF Family

Lord, we thank You for Your great love for Shalom ministry. We praise You for all the Shalom Peace Fellowship members who generously share their time, effort, and prayers. Lord, we thank You for opening doors for us to reach out to millions across the globe with the message of hope and peace. We believe… Continue reading Prayer for the SPF Family

Prayer for SWPN

Lord Jesus, we lift up to You, Shalom World Prayer Network.  We pray for the priests, consecrated brothers, and sisters as well as the lay people who have committed time to pray for the various needs of the viewers of SW Prayer channel.  We thank You for their love and generosity.  We entrust into Your… Continue reading Prayer for SWPN

Prayer for Shalom Tidings

Jesus, we thank You for entrusting us with Your dream which is fulfilled through Shalom Tidings—a complete Christian magazine for the whole world. We praise and thank You Lord for raising up the banner of Shalom Tidings in 4 print editions and 12 languages, and thereby reaching out to millions of souls with Your life-giving… Continue reading Prayer for Shalom Tidings

Prayer for Shalom World

Lord Jesus, we praise You for Shalom World, the wonderful channel of evangelization that You have entrusted to us. Within a short span of time, it has reached hundreds of countries and millions of families. We thank You for Your great love for this ministry. We pray that all the doors be opened so that… Continue reading Prayer for Shalom World